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ElringKlinger AG: Business performance affected by high capacity utilization

ElringKlinger AG  / Key word(s): Profit Warning18.09.2015 21:36Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmittedby DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------ElringKlinger: Business performance affected by high capacity utilization Dettingen/Erms (Germany), September 18, 2015   +++ Based on preliminaryfigures, the ElringKlinger Group saw sales revenue expand by 13.6% to EUR240.1 (211.3) million in the months of July and August 2015. At an organiclevel, i.e. without the effects of acquisitions and currency translation,growth totaled 5.3%. Adjusted for non-recurring items, earnings beforeinterest and taxes (EBIT) amounted to EUR 22.7 (24.9) million beforepurchase price allocation.As anticipated on the basis of developments in the first half of the 2015financial year, business in the Original Equipment segment has continued tobe driven by high levels of capacity utilization in the third quarter todate. Individual divisions within this segment recorded a sustained surgein demand. The additional costs associated with increased demand, e.g. forextra shifts and additional freight movements, have thus had an impact onthe company's cost base for July and August; it rose by around EUR 6million as a result of these factors. Measures already initiated for thepurpose of improving the company's cost structures have yet to take fulleffect. With this in mind, ElringKlinger no longer anticipates that it willbe able to achieve the guidance figure previously targeted for the currentfiscal year.The ElringKlinger Group is still looking to generate organic revenue growthof 5 to 7% for the 2015 fiscal year as a whole. Additionally, theconsolidation of ElringKlinger Automotive Manufacturing Inc. (formerly M&W)will contribute around EUR 30 million to Group revenue in the financialyear as a whole.The special charges outlined above, earnings contributions from acquiredentities that are as yet below the Group average and sluggish demand in theE-Mobility division will have a dampening effect on ElringKlinger Groupearnings in 2015. The company anticipates that the measures initiated forthe purpose of addressing the issue of capacity utilization will not takefull effect until the end of the year. ElringKlinger is likely to incuradditional exceptional charges of around EUR 20 to 30 million (first half:EUR 9 million) over the course of the second half of 2015 as a whole as aresult of the fact that specific divisions are operating at their uppercapacity limits. Against this backdrop, EBIT adjusted for non-recurringitems and before purchase price allocation is expected to be within acorridor of EUR 135 to 145 million (previous target: around EUR 165million) for the 2015 financial year.An explanatory conference call has been scheduled for Monday, September 21(9 a.m. CET) in connection with this announcement.Contact:For further information, please contact:ElringKlinger AG - Investor Relations/Corporate PRSabrina HauflerMax-Eyth-Straße 272581 Dettingen/ErmsTel.: +49 (0)7123-724-137E-Mail: 18.09.2015 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and Language:     EnglishCompany:      ElringKlinger AG              Max-Eyth-Straße 2              72581 Dettingen/Erms              GermanyPhone:        071 23 / 724-0Fax:          071 23 / 724-9006E-mail:       sabrina.haufler@elringklinger.comInternet:     www.elringklinger.deISIN:         DE0007856023WKN:          785602Indices:      MDAXListed:       Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart;              Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg,              Hanover, Munich End of Announcement                             DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ElringKlinger subsidiary new enerday supplies wind turbines with green energy

DGAP-News: ElringKlinger AG / Key word(s): Sustainability2015-08-17 / 15:32---------------------------------------------------------------------Dettingen/Erms (Germany), August 17, 2015   +++ Fuel cell system specialistnew enerday, a Neubrandenburg-based subsidiary of ElringKlinger AG, hassecured a contract from a major wind turbine manufacturer to supply thelatter with alternative energy for the installation of new wind turbines.The agreements were signed in July 2015, and the first fuel cell systemshave already been delivered to the customer.The blanket service agreement concluded between new enerday and the world'slargest producer of wind turbines covers the supply of energy over aninitial period of one year with the option of an extension. The annualvolume of business under this agreement - in euros - runs into six figures.Calculated on the basis of annual revenue currently being generated by newenerday GmbH, this corresponds to a share of around 25%. In the first year,under the terms of this agreement new enerday will handle the power supplyfor around a dozen wind turbines while they are being installed. This willspan a period of several months and will initially cover sites in Germanyand Poland.The company will be using 1000 W fuel cells operated with conventional LPGcylinders for the full range of AC consumers. The fuel cells emit only aminimal amount of pollutants and produce hardly any noise during operation.What is more, they offer an independent supply of power over a period of upto three months without the need for refilling. The turnkey solutionencompasses a high-performance solar module and a fuel cell to create aninnovative hybrid system that guarantees independent, 24/7 power supplywherever deployed by the customer. The electrical efficiency of the fuelcell systems is almost twice as high as that achieved by generators poweredby a gasoline or diesel engine. In the past, the customer deployedconventional diesel-fueled generators for power supply during theconstruction of its wind farms. By switching to the new enerday fuel cellsystem, the company will be able to reduce its operating costs by up to50%. At the same time, CO2 emissions will be scaled back by more than 90%.Additionally, the systems are maintenance free and can be monitoredremotely.Dr. Matthias Boltze, Managing Director of new enerday GmbH: "This contractrepresents a milestone in the young history of new enerday - in terms ofboth the volume of the order and the opportunity to penetrate new salesmarkets. It proves that our system operates very reliably and is suitablefor day-to-day use. Alongside the growing wind energy market, our fuel cellsystem is particularly interesting for various fields of applicationrelating to off-grid electricity supply. I am extremely confident that thetechnologies developed by new enerday can realize their huge potential inthis sector and inspire other customers to explore these possibilities."Established in 2010, new enerday GmbH develops and manufactures electricitygenerators based on fuel cell technology. This involves the use ofhigh-temperature solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) that are capable ofgenerating electrical energy directly from fossil fuels such as natural gasor LPG.In July 2014, the ElringKlinger Group acquired a 75% interest in newenerday GmbH. In doing so, ElringKlinger AG has strengthened its businessactivities in the field of fuel cell technology and extended its ownexpertise centered around associated electronics, reformer technology andsystem integration. The focus is on promising new sales markets beyondthose serving the automotive industry.__________________________________________________________________________For further information, please contact:ElringKlinger AG Sabrina HauflerInvestor Relations / Corporate PRMax-Eyth-Straße 272581 DettingenGermanyPhone: +49 7123 724-137Fax: +49 7123 724-85137E-mail: Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - aservice of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and    English                                                     Company:     ElringKlinger AG                                                         Max-Eyth-Straße 2                                                        72581 Dettingen/Erms                                                     Germany                                                     Phone:       071 23 / 724-0                                              Fax:         071 23 / 724-9006                                           E-mail:                           Internet:                                        ISIN:        DE0007856023                                                WKN:         785602                                                      Indices:     MDAX                                                        Listed:      Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart;               Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf,                       Hamburg, Hanover, Munich                                      End of News    DGAP News-Service  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  387383 2015-08-17                                                      
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ElringKlinger with sustained surge in revenue in Q2 2015

DGAP-News: ElringKlinger AG / Key word(s): Half Year Results2015-08-05 / 07:31---------------------------------------------------------------------Dettingen/Erms (Germany), August 5, 2015 +++ The ElringKlinger Grouprecorded revenue growth of 13.9% in the second quarter of 2015, taking thefigure to EUR 379.7 (333.5) million. Organically, i.e. excluding theeffects of acquisitions and foreign exchange gains, revenue expanded by4.5%. Thus, the ElringKlinger Group yet again managed to outpace theinternational vehicle markets when it came to the rate of growth achieved.Adjusted earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), excluding purchaseprice allocations, totaled EUR 39.6 (42.3) million in the second quarter of2015. Net income after non-controlling interests stood at EUR 21.0 (28.5)million.Dynamic revenue growth continuesElringKlinger saw its sales revenue expand further against the backdrop ofsustained consumer demand in the United States and an increasingly dynamicupturn in Europe's vehicle markets. Additionally, the Group benefited fromseveral new product rollouts as well as significant structural growth inmany of the product groups targeted at CO2 reduction. At an organic level,i.e. without the effects of consolidation and currency translation, revenuegrowth totaled 4.5% in the second quarter of 2015. The first-timeconsolidation of former M&W Manufacturing Company, Inc., Warren/USA (M&W),contributed additional revenue of EUR 8.8 million. As a result of thedirection taken by the euro exchange rate, particularly in relation to theUS dollar, Swiss franc and some of the Asian currencies, Group revenue wasboosted by a further EUR 22.4 million in the second quarter of 2015. Totalrevenue generated by the ElringKlinger Group rose by 13.9% to EUR 379.7(333.5) million in the second quarter of 2015.In the first half of 2015, Group revenue grew by 14.2% to EUR 751.1 (657.5)million. Revenue of EUR 13.7 million was attributable to the first-timeinclusion of M&W, while the direction taken by foreign exchange ratesboosted the figure by EUR 46.5 million. Organic revenue growth in the firsthalf of 2015 amounted to 5.1%.Slight quarter-on-quarter improvement in EBIT margin in Q2 In the second quarter of 2015, adjusted Group EBIT before purchase priceallocations amounted to EUR 39.6 (42.3) million, up EUR 2.9 million on thefigure posted for the first quarter (EUR 36.7 million). Compared to thepreceding quarter, the EBIT margin before purchase price allocation was up0.5 percentage points at 10.4%. Adjusted Group EBIT before purchase priceallocation stood at EUR 76.3 (85.3) million in the first half of 2015. Thiscorresponds to an EBIT margin before purchase price allocations of 10.2%(13.0%).As anticipated on the basis of developments in the first three months,business in the Original Equipment segment continued to be driven by highlevels of capacity utilization over the course of the second quarter.Individual divisions within this segment again recorded a sustained surgein demand. This necessitated the introduction of extra shifts andadditional freight movements, thus pushing the cost base up by around EUR 5million in the second quarter of 2015. At the same time, the suddenappreciation of the Swiss franc against the euro had a dampening effect.ElringKlinger has already initiated measures aimed at optimizing itsearnings situation and is anticipating a gradual improvement in performanceby the end of the year.What is more, the EBIT margin in the second quarter of 2015 continued to bediluted by the most recent corporate acquisitions (around 0.7 percentagepoints) as well as the persistently weak performance of the E-Mobilitybusiness (around 0.4 percentage points).Net finance result for Q2 impacted by lower foreign exchange gains The first quarter of 2015 produced net foreign exchange gains of EUR 6.5(0.1) million in connection with financing activities. These gains weresubstantially lower in the second quarter, taking the figure into negativeterritory at EUR -3.4 (1.2) million. In total, net finance costs stood atEUR 6.5 (2.1) million in the second quarter of 2015. In the first half, netfinance costs amounted to EUR 3.0 (4.7) million. As a result, earningsbefore taxes totaled to EUR 31.8 (39.5) million in the second quarter andEUR 70.7 (78.9) million in the first half.Net income at EUR 22 million in Q2 - Earnings per share at EUR 0.33At EUR 9.8 (9.7) million, tax expenses in the second quarter of 2015remained largely unchanged on the figure posted for the same period a yearago. The Group tax rate rose to 30.8% (24.6%) as a result of smallerearnings contributions from countries with low tax rates. In the first sixmonths tax expenses amounted to EUR 19.5 (19.9) million; the tax rate was27.6% (25.2%).Net income stood at EUR 22.0 (29.7) million in the second quarter and atEUR 51.2 (59.0) million in the first half of 2015. After non-controllinginterests, net income was EUR 21.0 (28.5) million. In the first six monthsof 2015 net income after non-controlling interest totaled EUR 49.2 (56.5)million.On this basis, earnings per share for the second quarter of 2015 stood atEUR 0.33 (0.45). In the first half of 2015, earnings per share stood at EUR0.78 (0.89).Order intake rises by 15% from a high baseOn the back of a strong first quarter, order intake expanded at anencouraging rate in the second quarter of 2015. Compared to the same perioda year ago, it rose by 14.5% to EUR 435.1 (380.0) million. Eliminatingincoming orders attributable to the acquisition of the entity formallytrading as M&W, order intake was still up by 11.0% at EUR 422.0 (380.0)million. Thus, order backlog reached a new all-time high of EUR 786.2(649.1) million as of June 30, 2015.Outlook 2015 ElringKlinger anticipates that global automobile production in 2015 willexpand by a percentage figure at the lower end of the single-digit range.While growth in China is likely to weaken by a significant margin, theEuropean markets should develop better than previously expected.Against this backdrop, the ElringKlinger Group is targeting organic revenuegrowth of 5 to 7%. Additionally, the consolidation of ElringKlingerAutomotive Manufacturing Inc. (formerly M&W) will contribute around EUR 30million to Group revenue in the financial year as a whole.The special charges outlined above, earnings contributions from acquiredentities that are as yet below the Group average and sluggish demand in theE-Mobility division will have a dampening effect on ElringKlinger Groupearnings in 2015. Based on the assumption that earnings improve in thesecond half of the year as a result of optimization measures alreadyinitiated, EBIT before purchase price allocation, adjusted fornon-recurring items, is expected to be around EUR 165 million.Key financials for Q2 and H1 2015
in EUR m                 Q2 2015  Q2 2014  Change  H1 2015  H1 2014  ChangeOrder intake             435.1    380.0    14.5%   849.1    711.2    19.4%Order backlog            786.2    649.1    21.1%(as of June 30, 2015)Sales revenue            379.7    333.5    13.9%   751.1    657.5    14.2%Gross profit             97.1     91.8     5.8%    192.6    183.0    5.2%Operating result/        38.3     41.5     -7.7%   73.7     83.6     -11.8%EBITAdjusted EBIT            39.6     42.3     -6.4%   76.3     85.3     -10.6%before purchaseprice allocationsEarnings before tax      31.8     39.5     -19.5%  70.7     78.9     -10.4%Net income               22.0     29.7     -25.9%  51.2     59.0     -13.2%Net income attributable  21.0     28.5     -26.3%  49.2     56.5     -12.9%to shareholders ofElringKlinger AGEarnings per share       0.33     0.45     -26.7%  0.78     0.89     -12.4%(in EUR)
The full report on the second quarter and first half of 2015 can beaccessed at further information, please contact:ElringKlinger AG Sabrina HauflerCorporate Communications / Investor RelationsMax-Eyth-Straße 272581 DettingenGermanyPhone +49 7123 724-137Fax +49 7123 724-85137Email Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - aservice of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and English Company: ElringKlinger AG Max-Eyth-Straße 2 72581 Dettingen/Erms Germany Phone: 071 23 / 724-0 Fax: 071 23 / 724-9006 E-mail: Internet: ISIN: DE0007856023 WKN: 785602 Indices: MDAX Listed: Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart; Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich End of News DGAP News-Service --------------------------------------------------------------------- 383643 2015-08-05
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Major order from Asia: ElringKlinger supplies shielding systems for Japanese car maker

DGAP-News: ElringKlinger AG / Key word(s): Miscellaneous2015-07-20 / 15:35---------------------------------------------------------------------Dettingen/Erms (Germany), July 20, 2015   +++ The ElringKlinger Group, oneof the world's leading automotive suppliers, has secured a major contractfor the supply of lightweight shielding systems to a volume car maker fromJapan. The overall volume of the order stands at around USD 10 million perannum. Series supply is to commence in 2017."The major serial production order placed by a Japanese customer for thesupply of lightweight shielding parts from our manufacturing plants inJapan and the United States is a milestone in our efforts to expand ourcurrent business relationship," said Karl Schmauder, member of theManagement Board responsible for Sales Original Equipment and New BusinessAreas. "Thanks to the outstanding functionality of our shielding parts, incombination with their low weight, we are certain to unlock furtherpotential in this area." ElringKlinger is a supplier to all major vehicleand engine manufacturers around the globe.ElringKlinger will supply lightweight shielding components for exhaustmanifolds fitted to a next-generation engine to be launched by the Japanesecar maker. These components are instrumental in ensuring that thetemperatures required in the exhaust tract are reached so that thecatalytic converter can operate effectively. At the same time, they absorbnoise and vibrations emanating from other assemblies. Recording dynamicgrowth, the Shielding Technology division contributes around 26% to totalrevenue generated by the ElringKlinger Group.The company's lightweight shielding components are produced at the Japanesesite of ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation in Greater Tokyo to cover demandin Japan, while products required in the US are made at the ElringKlingerfacility in Buford, USA.The ElringKlinger Group currently generates more than 20% of its OriginalEquipment sales in Asia. The Japanese joint venture ElringKlinger MarusanCorporation is of particular importance to the Asian strategy adopted bythe ElringKlinger Group, especially in the rapidly expanding ASEAN region.The 50:50 joint venture was established in 2004. Since 2013, ElringKlingerhas held full economic control on the basis of a contractual agreement.__________________________________________________________________________For further information, please contact:ElringKlinger AG Sabrina HauflerCorporate Communications / Investor RelationsMax-Eyth-Straße 272581 DettingenTel.: +49 (0)7123-724-137Fax: +49 (0)7123-724-85 137E-mail: Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - aservice of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and    English                                                     Company:     ElringKlinger AG                                                         Max-Eyth-Straße 2                                                        72581 Dettingen/Erms                                                     Germany                                                     Phone:       071 23 / 724-0                                              Fax:         071 23 / 724-9006                                           E-mail:                           Internet:                                        ISIN:        DE0007856023                                                WKN:         785602                                                      Indices:     MDAX                                                        Listed:      Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart;               Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf,                       Hamburg, Hanover, Munich                                      End of News    DGAP News-Service  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  379313 2015-07-20                                                      
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Notifications of voting rights

Correction of a release from 02.06.2015, 09:47 CET - ElringKlinger AG: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

ElringKlinger AG 08.06.2015 15:32Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement, transmitted byDGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------On June 01, 2015, Black Creek Investment Management Inc., Toronto, Ontario,Canada has informed us according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG thatvia shares its Voting Rights on ElringKlinger AG, Dettingen/Erms, Germany,have exceeded the 3% threshold of the Voting Rights on June 01, 2015 and onthat day amounted to 3.05% (this corresponds to 1934877 Voting Rights).3.05% of Voting Rights (this corresponds to 1934877 Voting Rights) areattributed to the company in accordance with Article 22, Section 1,Sentence 1, No. 6 of the WpHG (German Securities Trading Act).08.06.2015 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and Language:     EnglishCompany:      ElringKlinger AG              Max-Eyth-Straße 2              72581 Dettingen/Erms              GermanyInternet: End of Announcement                             DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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