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ElringKlinger AG: Release according to Article 26, Section 1 of the WpHG [the German Securities Trading Act] with the objective of Europe-wide distribution

ElringKlinger AG 02.06.2015 09:47Dissemination of a Voting Rights Announcement, transmitted byDGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------On June 01, 2015, Black Creek Investment Management Inc., Ontario, Canadahas informed us according to Article 21, Section 1 of the WpHG that viashares its Voting Rights on ElringKlinger AG, Dettingen/Erms, Germany, haveexceeded the 3% threshold of the Voting Rights on June 01, 2015 and on thatday amounted to 3.05% (this corresponds to 1934877 Voting Rights).02.06.2015 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and Language:     EnglishCompany:      ElringKlinger AG              Max-Eyth-Straße 2              72581 Dettingen/Erms              GermanyInternet: End of Announcement                             DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ElringKlinger AGM resolves on dividend increase - Broad approval for all items on the agenda

DGAP-News: ElringKlinger AG / Key word(s): AGM/EGM2015-05-13 / 14:57---------------------------------------------------------------------ElringKlinger AGM resolves on dividend increase - Broad approval for allitems on the agenda  - Dividend increases 10% to EUR 0.55 (0.50) per share   - Actions of the Management Board and Supervisory Board approved by a    large majority  - Rita Forst, former member of the Management Board of Adam Opel AG, new    member of the Supervisory BoardStuttgart, Dettingen/Erms (Germany), May, 13, 2015 +++ Addressing around500 shareholders, shareholder representatives and guests attending today'sAGM at the Cultural and Congress Center Liederhalle in Stuttgart, Dr.Stefan Wolf, CEO of MDAX-listed ElringKlinger AG, took stock of a 2014financial year that proved encouraging for the company: "In a marketenvironment influenced to some extent by geopolitical uncertainties, wemanaged to lift sales revenue by 15.3% to EUR 1,325.8 million. Our Groupmaintained its momentum of profitable growth." Adjusted earnings beforeinterest and taxes (EBIT) before purchase price allocation rose to EUR162.3 (149.8) million. The share of net income attributable toElringKlinger shareholders also increased, totaling EUR 105.7 (92.7*)million.The proposal by the Management Board and Supervisory Board for a higherdividend of EUR 0.55 (0.50) per share was approved by the AGM with 99.97%of the votes. Thus, ElringKlinger will distribute a dividend payout of EUR34.8 (31.7) million among its shareholders, allowing them to benefitappropriately from the company's success. Calculated on the basis ofElringKlinger AG's net income for the year (EUR 58.9 million), the dividendratio for the financial year 2014 increased to 59.1% (52.7%).Supervisory Board elections - Rita Forst appointed as a new memberWith the terms in office of the Supervisory Board members representingElringKlinger's shareholders having come to an end, the AGM had to casttheir votes for a newly appointed Supervisory Board in 2015. Theshareholder representatives put forward as candidates were re-elected withlarge majorities by the AGM. Rita Forst was appointed to the SupervisoryBoard as a new member. Until 2012, she had been on the Management Board ofAdam Opel AG.The other proposals put forward by the company's management were alsopassed with a broad consensus. The actions of the Supervisory Board wereratified with 95.51% of the votes and those of the Management Board with99.93%. Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Stuttgart, wasre-appointed as the independent auditor for the 2015 financial year. Thecompensation system for the Management Board members was approved by theAGM with 92.18% of the votes.pure process - the essence of ElringKlinger's unique core competenciesAs part of a presentation in the foyer of the Cultural and Congress Center,shareholders and guests were given an insight into the extensive range ofproducts of the ElringKlinger Group tailored to the task of emissionsreduction. Those attending showed a particularly keen interest in thecompany's innovative lightweight solutions such as cockpit and front-endcarriers. These hybrid polymer-metal components represent a pioneeringtechnology that brings together the benefits of plastic and metal. Itcombines the merits of outstanding rigidity with those of extremely lowweight, thus making a significant contribution to fuel and thereforeemissions reduction."These so-called hydroformed hybrids mark ElringKlinger's entry intolightweight body engineering. This is the result of many years of expertisein the field of materials and tooling," said CEO Dr. Stefan Wolf. "By theend of 2020, we will be looking to generate sales revenue of EUR 120 to 130million within this area."Outlook 2015ElringKlinger anticipates that global automobile production will expand byaround 2% in 2015. Based on this assumption, the Group is targeting organicrevenue growth of 5 to 7%. Additionally, the first-time consolidation ofElringKlinger Automotive Manufacturing (M&W) will contribute around EUR 30million to Group revenue in the financial year as a whole. Adjusted fornon-recurring items, EBIT before purchase price allocations is expected toreach around EUR 165 (162.3) million in 2015 as a whole.*Excl. one-time gain from assumption of control of ElringKlinger MarusanCorporation (EUR 12.7 million after taxes)__________________________________________________________________________Contact:For further information, please contact:ElringKlinger AG - Investor Relations/Corporate PRSabrina HauflerMax-Eyth-Straße 272581 Dettingen/ErmsTel.: +49 (0)7123-724-137E-Mail: ---------------------------------------------------------------------2015-05-13 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - aservice of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and    English                                                     Company:     ElringKlinger AG                                                         Max-Eyth-Straße 2                                                        72581 Dettingen/Erms                                                     Germany                                                     Phone:       071 23 / 724-0                                              Fax:         071 23 / 724-9006                                           E-mail:                           Internet:                                        ISIN:        DE0007856023                                                WKN:         785602                                                      Indices:     MDAX                                                        Listed:      Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart;               Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf,                       Hamburg, Hanover, Munich                                      End of News    DGAP News-Service  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  357399 2015-05-13                                                      
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ElringKlinger with strong organic revenue growth in Q1 2015

DGAP-News: ElringKlinger AG / Key word(s): Quarter Results2015-05-06 / 07:45---------------------------------------------------------------------ElringKlinger with strong organic revenue growth in Q1 2015 Dettingen/Erms (Germany), May 6, 2015   +++ The ElringKlinger Group hasconfirmed its preliminary results for the first quarter of 2015, asannounced on April 29, 2015. The automotive supplier saw its revenue growby 14.6% in the first quarter of 2015, taking the figure to EUR 371.4(324.0) million. Organically, i.e. excluding the effects of acquisitionsand foreign exchange gains, revenue expanded by 5.7%. Thus, theElringKlinger Group yet again managed to outpace the global vehicle marketswhen it came to the rate of growth achieved. Earnings before interest andtaxes (EBIT), and before purchase price allocations, totaled EUR 36.7(43.0) million. Net income after non-controlling interests totaled EUR 29.2(29.3) million.Strong revenue growth sustained in Q1 2015Outperforming the global vehicle markets yet again in the first threemonths of 2015, ElringKlinger recorded organic revenue growth of 5.7%. Thecompany benefited from a number of new product rollouts as well assignificant structural growth in many of the product groups targeted at CO2reduction.The first-time consolidation of former M&W Manufacturing Company, Inc.,Warren/USA, contributed additional revenue of EUR 4.9 million.ElringKlinger had acquired the specialist for transmission components inFebruary 2015. This entity, now trading as ElringKlinger AutomotiveManufacturing, has been included in the scope of consolidation of theElringKlinger Group since February 14, 2015.The direction taken by the euro, particularly relative to the US dollar,Swiss franc and many of the Asian currencies, boosted revenue by EUR 24.1million. Total revenue generated by the ElringKlinger Group rose by 14.6%to EUR 371.4 (324.0) million.EBIT before purchase price allocation totals EUR 37 millionEarnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA)totaled EUR 56.1 (60.8) million in the first quarter of 2015. Depreciationand amortization rose to EUR 20.7 (18.7) million. Group EBIT stood at EUR35.4 (42.1) million. Before purchase price allocations (EUR 1.3 million),EBIT amounted to EUR 36.7 (43.0) million, thus falling short of theprior-year figure. The entity formerly known as M&W contributed EUR 0.6million to Group EBIT.Business in the Original Equipment segment of the ElringKlinger Group wascharacterized by extremely high capacity utilization during the firstquarter of 2015. Individual divisions within this segment recorded adisproportionately large surge in demand. This necessitated theintroduction of extra shifts and additional freight movements, thus pushingthe cost base up by around EUR 4 million. In addition, EBIT was diluted byaround EUR 2.5 million as a result of the sudden appreciation of the Swissfranc against the euro. Additionally, the Group incurred start-up costs inconnection with the commencement of serial production - scheduled for thesecond quarter of 2015 - of pioneering hybrid polymer-metal components.What is more, the comparative base of the Exhaust Gas Purification division(Hug) was very high in the first quarter of the previous financial year,which has to be taken into account in a year-on-year comparison. In thefirst quarter of 2014, Hug - buoyed by billings relating to two majorprojects - had contributed earnings before interest and taxes of EUR 7.6million on the back of revenue of EUR 20.7 million. In the first quarter of2015, by contrast, Hug generated revenue of EUR 12.2 million. Against thisbackground and due to the strength of the Swiss franc, Hug made nocontribution to earnings in the first quarter of 2015.The EBIT margin (before purchase price allocations) thus stood at justunder 10% (13.3%). In addition to being impacted by the factors outlinedabove during the first quarter of 2015, the EBIT margin was diluted by thefull consolidation of ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation, Japan, (around 0.3percentage points) as well as the persistently sluggish performance of theE-Mobility division (around 0.6 percentage points).Foreign exchange gains contribute to net finance incomeThe strong depreciation of the euro against key Group currencies producedforeign exchange gains in connection with financing activities. These netgains amounted to EUR 6.5 (0.1) million. In parallel, net interest coststotaled EUR 3.0 (2.7) million. As a result, the Group recorded net financeincome of EUR 3.5 million in the first quarter of 2015, as opposed to netfinance cost of EUR 2.6 million a year ago.Net income after non-controlling interests at EUR 28 millionTax expenses fell to EUR 9.7 (10.2) million in the first quarter of 2015.Correspondingly, the tax rate fell slightly to 24.9% (25.8%). Thus, at EUR29.2 (29.3) million, net income for the ElringKlinger Group remainedlargely unchanged year on year. Net income attributable to non-controllinginterests fell to EUR 1.0 (1.3) million as a result of the lower earningscontribution made by the Hug Group. As a result, net income afternon-controlling interests rose to EUR 28.2 (27.9) million. On this basis,basic and diluted earnings per share totaled EUR 0.45 (0.44) in the firstquarter of 2015.Encouraging trend in order intakeOrder intake rose significantly in the first quarter of 2015, up by 25.0%to EUR 414.0 (331.2) million. On an organic basis, i.e. excluding theentity formerly known as M&W, order intake increased by 22.9% to EUR 407.1million. Order backlog as of March 31, 2015, thus totaled EUR 730.8 (602.6)million.Outlook 2015ElringKlinger anticipates that global automobile production will expand byaround 2% in 2015. Based on this assumption, the Group is targeting organicrevenue growth of 5 to 7%. Additionally, the first-time consolidation ofElringKlinger Automotive Manufacturing (M&W) will contribute around EUR 30million to Group revenue in the financial year as a whole.Against the backdrop of the Group's business performance in the firstquarter of 2015, ElringKlinger has already initiated measures aimed atoptimizing its earnings situation. The Group expects to achieve improvedearnings in the second half of 2015. Adjusted for non-recurring items, EBITbefore purchase price allocations is expected to reach around EUR 165million in 2015 as a whole. The E-Mobility division is unlikely to see afundamental improvement in its performance.The full report on the first quarter of 2015 can be accessed at further information, please contact:ElringKlinger AG Sabrina HauflerCorporate Communications / Investor RelationsMax-Eyth-Straße 272581 DettingenTel.: +49 (0)7123-724-137Fax: +49 (0)7123-724-85 137E-mail: Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - aservice of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and    English                                                     Company:     ElringKlinger AG                                                         Max-Eyth-Straße 2                                                        72581 Dettingen/Erms                                                     Germany                                                     Phone:       071 23 / 724-0                                              Fax:         071 23 / 724-9006                                           E-mail:                           Internet:                                        ISIN:        DE0007856023                                                WKN:         785602                                                      Indices:     MDAX                                                        Listed:      Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart;               Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf,                       Hamburg, Hanover, Munich                                      End of News    DGAP News-Service  ---------------------------------------------------------------------  353475 2015-05-06                                                      
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ElringKlinger lifts revenue to EUR 371 million in Q1 2015 based on preliminary figures

ElringKlinger AG  / Key word(s): Preliminary Results29.04.2015 07:55Dissemination of an Ad hoc announcement according to § 15 WpHG, transmittedby DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.---------------------------------------------------------------------------ElringKlinger lifts revenue to EUR 371 million in Q1 2015 based onpreliminary figures  - Revenue increases by 14.6% - organically by 5.7% - to EUR 371.4 million  - Adjusted EBIT before purchase price allocations (EUR 1.3 million) at    EUR 36.7 million  - Outlook for 2015: organic revenue growth of 5 to 7% plus acquisitions;    adjusted EBIT of around EUR 165 million before purchase price    allocationsDettingen/Erms (Germany), April 29, 2015   +++ Based on preliminaryfigures, the ElringKlinger Group managed to increase sales revenue by 14.6%in the first quarter of 2015, taking the figure to EUR 371.4 (324.0)million. At an organic level, i.e. without the effects of acquisition andcurrency translation, growth totaled 5.7%. Thus, ElringKlinger againoutperformed the global vehicle markets in terms of growth. The companybenefited in particular from significant structural growth in many of itsproduct groups targeted at CO2 reduction.The first-time consolidation of M&W Manufacturing Company, Inc., Warren/USA(M&W), as from February 14, 2015, contributed additional revenue of EUR 4.9million. The entity's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) totaled EUR0.6 million (including purchase price allocation of EUR 0.3 million).The Group EBIT figure for the first quarter of 2015 was EUR 35.4 (42.1)million. Before purchase price allocations (EUR 1.3 million), EBIT amountedto EUR 36.7 (43.0) million, thus falling short of the prior-year figure.The comparative base of the Exhaust Gas Purification division (Hug) wasextremely high in the first quarter of the previous financial year, whichhas to be taken into account in a year-on-year comparison. In the firstquarter of 2014, Hug - buoyed by billings relating to two major projects -had contributed earnings before interest and taxes of EUR 7.6 million onthe back of revenue of EUR 20.7 million. In the first quarter of 2015, bycontrast, Hug generated revenue of EUR 12.2 million. In addition, EBIT wasdiluted by the sudden appreciation of the Swiss franc against the euro. Dueto the higher cost base, the Swiss subsidiary Hug didn't make acontribution to earnings in the first quarter of 2015. The strength of theSwiss franc also had an impact on ElringKlinger Abschirmtechnik,Switzerland, in the first quarter of 2015, albeit to a lesser extent thatin the case of Hug. In total, the appreciation of the Swiss franc dilutedGroup EBIT by around EUR 2.5 million.Business in the Original Equipment segment of the ElringKlinger Group wascharacterized by extremely high capacity utilization during the firstquarter of 2015. Individual divisions within this segment recorded adisproportionately large surge in demand. This necessitated theintroduction of extra shifts and production runs, thus additionally pushingthe cost base up by around EUR 4 million.Additionally, the staff profit-sharing bonus agreed for employees atElringKlinger AG, ElringKlinger Kunststofftechnik GmbH and Elring KlingerMotortechnik GmbH in respect of the 2014 financial year had an impact onearnings in the first quarter of 2015, as did the wage increase of 2.2%that has been in effect since May 1, 2014, and the one-off payment of EUR150 per employee in March 2015, as stipulated under the collectiveagreement. This resulted in additional staff costs of around EUR 2.5million in total.The EBIT margin (before purchase price allocations) thus stood at justunder 10% (13.3 %). In addition to being impacted by the factors outlinedabove during the first quarter of 2015, the EBIT margin was diluted by thefull consolidation of ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation, Japan, (around 0.3percentage points) as well as the persistently sluggish performance of theE-Mobility division (around 0.6 percentage points). Additionally, the Groupincurred start-up costs in connection with the commencement of serialproduction - scheduled for the second quarter of 2015 - of pioneeringhybrid polymer-metal components. This will contribute to improved marginsas from 2016.Earnings before taxes were higher than EBIT in the first quarter 2015,having benefited from positive foreign exchange effects accounted for inthe Group's net finance result, and totaled EUR 38.9 (39.5) million.Order intake up 23%Order intake developed well in the first quarter of 2015, rising by 25.0%to EUR 414.0 (331.2) million. On an organic basis, i.e. excluding theentity formerly known as M&W, order intake rose by 22.9% to EUR 407.1million. Order backlog as of March 31, 2015, thus totaled EUR 730.8 (602.6)million.Outlook 2015ElringKlinger anticipates that global automobile production will expand byaround 2% in 2015. Based on this assumption, the Group is targeting organicrevenue growth of 5 to 7%. Additionally, the consolidation of ElringKlingerAutomotive Manufacturing (M&W) will contribute around EUR 30 million toGroup revenue in the financial year as a whole.Against the backdrop of the Group's business performance in the firstquarter of 2015, ElringKlinger has already initiated measures aimed atoptimizing its earnings situation. The Group expects to achieve improvedearnings in the second half of 2015. EBIT, before purchase priceallocations and adjusted for non-recurring items, is expected to reacharound EUR 165 million in 2015 as a whole (previously: EUR 170 to 180million). The E-Mobility division is unlikely to see a fundamentalimprovement in its performance.________________________________________________________________________An explanatory conference call is scheduled to take place today, April 29,2015 (at 10 a.m.), in connection with the publication of the Group'spreliminary results for the first quarter of 2015. The full announcement ofthe definitive results for the first quarter of 2015 is scheduled for May6, 2015._________________________________________________________________________Contact:For further information, please contact:ElringKlinger AG - Investor Relations/Corporate PRSabrina HauflerMax-Eyth-Straße 272581 Dettingen/ErmsTel.: +49 (0)7123-724-137E-Mail: 29.04.2015 The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements,Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.Media archive at and Language:     EnglishCompany:      ElringKlinger AG              Max-Eyth-Straße 2              72581 Dettingen/Erms              GermanyPhone:        071 23 / 724-0Fax:          071 23 / 724-9006E-mail:       sabrina.haufler@elringklinger.comInternet:     www.elringklinger.deISIN:         DE0007856023WKN:          785602Indices:      MDAXListed:       Regulated Market in Frankfurt (Prime Standard), Stuttgart;              Regulated Unofficial Market in Berlin, Dusseldorf, Hamburg,              Hanover, Munich End of Announcement                             DGAP News-Service ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ElringKlinger looking to maintain strong organic growth in sales after record performance in 2014

ElringKlinger AG / Key word(s): Final Results

2015-03-31 / 07:25

ElringKlinger looking to maintain strong organic growth in sales after record performance in 2014

Dettingen/Erms (Germany), March 31, 2015 +++ The ElringKlinger Group saw its sales revenue expand by 15.3% to EUR 1,325.8 (1,150.1) million in 2014. Expressed in organic terms, growth amounted to 11.2%, thus substantially outpacing the rate of expansion in global vehicle production as well as the Group's own growth target of 5 to 7%. Despite downside factors associated with ElringKlinger's E-Mobility division and sluggish business in Brazil as a result of local market forces, adjusted EBIT before purchase price allocation rose by 8.3% to EUR 162.3 (149.8) million. Net income after non-controlling interests, adjusted for the one-time gain recorded in the previous year from the assumption of control over ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation, Japan, improved by 14.0% to EUR 105.7 (92.7) million.

Strong structural growth in revenue
The substantial organic increase in sales revenue recorded by the Group in the 2014 financial year was achieved against the backdrop of widely divergent regional trends within the global automobile markets. As in the past, China and North America again provided the main impetus for growth. Having been caught in a downward spiral for many years, the Western European market also expanded in 2014, up by almost 5% calculated on the basis of overall car sales. By contrast, the vehicle markets in both Russia and Brazil were faced with an out-and-out slump. Overall, global car production expanded by around 3% in 2014. The ElringKlinger Group benefited in particular from structural growth within many of the product groups marketed by the Original Equipment segment with a focus on CO2 reduction, such as lightweight plastic components or turbocharger gaskets. At 11.2%, therefore, the level of organic revenue growth (excluding the effects of consolidation and assuming stable exchange rates) achieved by the Group was considerably higher than the expansion in global vehicle production in percentage terms. The full consolidation of ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation* contributed EUR 23.1 million to Group revenue in 2014.

Further improvement in adjusted EBIT before purchase price allocation despite unfavorable performance in E-Mobility division
As regards earnings, it should be noted that ElringKlinger had generated a one-time gain of EUR 17.6 million in the previous year following the assumption of control of ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation effective from December 31, 2013. In 2014, reported EBIT rose by 5.0% compared to the prior-year figure adjusted for this exceptional item (EUR 146.6 million), taking the total to EUR 154.0 million.

Group EBIT, adjusted for non-recurring items and before purchase price allocation, stood at EUR 162.3 (149.8) million, up 8.3% on the previous year; this corresponds to a margin of 12.2% (13.0%). This increase in earnings was attributable largely to significant structural revenue growth within the Group's core field of business as well as new serial production ramp-ups and improved earnings in the area of exhaust gas purification. Due to current demand patterns, the new E-Mobility division, by contrast, fell well short of the original target and recorded a loss of EUR 8.0 (-7.2) million before interest and taxes. The Brazilian subsidiary remained around EUR 4.0 million below the original earnings target in 2014 as a result of the severe downturn in the local market.

In total, non-recurring exceptional charges amounted to EUR 4.9 million in 2014, which had a dampening effect on earnings. These expenses were attributable in full to the fourth quarter. First, the subsidiary ElringKlinger Korea Co., Ltd. had to account for inventory corrections and impairments of EUR 2.0 million as part of the plant relocation to the newly constructed site in Gumi. Secondly, a warranty incident attributable to the parent company, ElringKlinger AG, and dating back to 2008 was definitively settled in the reporting period. There are no longer any risks associated with this matter. In this context, however, a sum of EUR 1.5 million in receivables had to be derecognized, which was accounted for in profit/loss. At the same time, ElringKlinger received cash of EUR 8.5 million as a result of the insurance payment. Thirdly, as part of the complete revision of Management Board contracts of service, a one-time amount of EUR 1.4 million had to be allocated to provisions in respect of long-term variable incentive components of compensation (LTI II) that are attributable in economic terms to the two previous years.

As a result of the substantial investments made in the Group's future growth (2014: EUR 147.0 million in ppe), depreciation and amortization rose by EUR 5.0 million to EUR 79.4 (74.4) million. The purchase price allocations contained in write-downs with regard to hidden reserves realized increased to EUR 3.4 (1.3) million.

Compared to the prior-year figure, adjusted for the one-time gain from the assumption of control of Marusan, earnings before taxes rose by 16.6% to EUR 153.1 million (EUR 131.3 million, including one-time gain: EUR 148.9 million). This was driven largely by lower net finance costs of EUR 0.9 (15.3) million, which included foreign exchange gains of EUR 10.0 (-4.4) million. The foreign exchange gains were attributable primarily to the sustained depreciation of the euro over the course of 2014, particularly against the US dollar and Asian currencies. Net interest costs remained largely unchanged at EUR 10.9 (11.2) million.

Adjusted net income after non-controlling interests up by 14%
Due in part to the recognition of deferred taxes in connection with the above-mentioned insurance incident, the Group's tax rate rose to 27.8% (25.3%) in 2014. The prior-year tax rate had benefited from the positive effects of the assumption of control over ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation. Excluding exceptional income from the assumption of control of ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation in 2013, the Group's net income after non-controlling interests was 14.0% higher at EUR 105.7 million (EUR 92.7 million; including one-off gain: EUR 105.4 million). Adjusted earnings per share stood at EUR 1.67 (EUR 1.46; including one-off gain: EUR 1.66).

Order intake up by 10%
The Group's expectations of sustained growth in revenue in 2015 are underpinned by its order intake. Orders placed by customers rose by 10.5% to EUR 1,418.6 (1,284.4) million in the 2014 financial year just ended. The book-to-bill ratio thus stood at 1.07, which reflects the consistently solid level of demand. Correspondingly, order backlog as of December 31, 2014, was up 15.6% year on year at EUR 688.2 (595.4) million.

Further revenue and earnings growth planned for 2015
Based on the assumption that global car production will expand by around 2%, the ElringKlinger Group anticipates that its revenue will increase by 5 to 7% organically, thus again significantly outpacing market growth. Additionally, the consolidation of recently acquired M&W (in future ElringKlinger Automotive Manufacturing Inc., USA) will contribute around EUR 30 million to Group revenue in the financial year as a whole. Adjusted for non-recurring items, EBIT before purchase price allocation is expected to be between EUR 170 and 180 million in 2015. Due to the greater relevance of acquired entities, adjusted EBIT will in future be presented before the effects of purchase price allocation. Owing to current demand patterns and the as yet insufficient degree of capacity utilization in production, the E-Mobility division is at present not expected to see a fundamental improvement in its earnings performance in 2015. Return on capital employed (2014: 12.4%) at Group level is expected to expand slightly in 2015.

* Due to the necessary retrospective application of IFRS 11 as regards the presentation of comparative prior-year figures (2013), ElringKlinger Marusan Corporation was no longer accounted for on a proportionate basis but rather in accordance with the equity method. As a result, the Group revenue figure originally presented for 2013 fell retrospectively to EUR 1,150.1 million, the difference being attributable to the entity's revenue contribution (EUR 25.1 million) formerly included at a proportionate rate of 50%. Thus, EBIT presented with regard to 2013 was EUR 0.7 million lower retrospectively, while earnings before taxes were EUR 0.3 million lower retrospectively. By contrast, ElringKlinger Marusan was fully consolidated in 2014 as a result of the assumption of control completed as of December 31, 2013, and was included in Group revenue with its total revenue of EUR 46.2 million. Therefore, the additional revenue contribution was EUR 23.1 million in 2014. When determining organic revenue growth, the joint venture was accounted for as if the entity had remained subject to proportionate consolidation, as originally presented in 2013.

For further information, please contact:
ElringKlinger AG - Investor Relations/ Corporate PR
Stephan Haas
Max-Eyth-Straße 2
72581 Dettingen
Fon: +49 7123 724 - 137
E-Mail: stephan.haas[at]

2015-03-31 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a service of EQS Group AG.
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

The DGAP Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements, Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases.
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