
Our training offer

The choices you make at the start of your career are among the most important choices you’ll ever make. We therefore understand why you need to be sure about every single aspect. And a vocational apprenticeship with ElringKlinger can offer you that certainty – thanks to its highly practical focus, our stringent quality standards and our international focus. It will give you skills in new techniques and experience in a wide variety of interesting tasks, not to mention a close working relationship with other apprentices and our existing staff.

[Translate to English:] Unser Ausbildungsangebot

Whether you’re looking for a technical or a commercial apprenticeship we can offer you a range of options.

All of us have our own particular talents and interests. Some of us enjoy manual tasks and are interested in technically oriented roles. Others have a knack for organization and are more suited to office-based work. Whichever role you prefer, we have the right apprenticeship program for you. And what’s more, we offer vocational apprenticeships at every one of our nine locations in Germany.

Our apprenticeship programs – an overview:

Machine Tool Technician (m/f/d)
Electronics Technician for Production Technology (m/f/d)
Industrial Engineer (m/f/d)
Technical Product Designer (m/f/d)
Process Engineer for Plastics and Rubber Technology (m/f/d)
Systems Integration IT Specialist (m/f/d)
Industrial Management Assistant (m/f/d)

Do you want to work on the future of mobility? Then take your chance and start your career in the automotive world of tomorrow with an apprenticeship at ElringKlinger. 

Click here to apply online.

Integrated study program

Integrated study program

Putting the knowledge you have learned into practice and earning money at the same time. That's what many a university student would like to do. A dual study program at ElringKlinger makes this possible.

Learn more

Integrated study program