Products & Technologies

Solutions for various branches of industry. We can also do non-automotive.

ElringKlinger product solutions are also successfully used outside the automotive industry, as our innovative strength, efficiency, and quality are in demand in many industries, for example in the fields of rail transport, aviation, marine, logistics, energy supply, chemical and apparatus construction, and medical technology. We are always continuing to develop our core competences – all around the world.

ElringKlinger products for the non-automotive sector

For our customers, we are a strong and reliable development partner and series supplier with unique expertise, and not just in the automotive sector. Our products from the fields of battery and fuel cell technology, sealing technology, lightweight construction, metal forming and assembly technology, as well as plastics engineering have also shown what they can do in numerous other branches of industry: top quality, performance, functional reliability, and cost-effectiveness.

Examples of non-automotive applications
In focus: Components for electrolyzers
Components made of high-performance plastics
Metalworking at the Thale plant
Product overview

Brochures, factsheets, publications

Take a look at our brochures, factsheets and other publications.

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Product overview

Whether passenger cars or commercial vehicles, electric motors, hybrid technology or combustion engine technology - we offer innovative products for all drive types and thus contribute to sustainable mobility. Find out which components, assemblies and systems the ElringKlinger Group offers in its portfolio, arranged by application area.

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We have been involved with alternative drive concepts for more than 20 years and were able to position ourselves as a specialist in electromobility at an early stage.

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Whether automotive original equipment or aftermarket - you will meet us at many events.

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As a global, independent supplier, ElringKlinger is a strong and reliable partner to the automotive industry. Whether passenger cars or commercial vehicles, with combustion engines, hybrid technology or as pure electric vehicles - we offer innovative product solutions for all types of drive and thus contribute to sustainable mobility.

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Product overview