857 :
361. 2013-q2-en.pdf  
R e p o r t o n t h e 2 n d Q u a r t e r a n d 1s t h a l f Future Inside 2013 Future Inside elringklinger Which way is the automotive industry heading? What technology will be driving our cars…  
362. 2014-gb-en.pdf  
A n n u a l Re p o r t 2 0 1 4 pure process ke y F i g u r e s — ElringKlinger Group at a glance Key Figures ElringKlinger Group (IFRS) 2014 20134 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 Order intake €…  
363. 2014-gbag-en.pdf  
F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S 2 0 14 pure process Financial  Statements  of  ElringKlinger  AG  for  Fiscal  2014         Contents       Page   …  
364. 2014-q3-en.pdf  
2014 Report on the 3rd Quarter and 1st Nine Months beyond beyond CO2 Solutions from ElringKlinger ElringKlinger specializes in the development of cutting-edge green technology that helps not…  
365. 2014-q2-en.pdf  
2014 Report on the 2nd Quarter and 1st Half beyond beyond CO2 Solutions from ElringKlinger ElringKlinger specializes in the development of cutting-edge green technology that helps not only to…  
366. 2014-q1-en.pdf  
2014 Report on the 1st Quarter beyond beyond CO2 Solutions from ElringKlinger ElringKlinger specializes in the development of cutting-edge green technology that helps not only to reduce CO2 but…  
367. 2015-gb-en.pdf  
ANNUAL REPORT 2015 pure partners KEY FIGURES ElringKlinger Group at a glance Key Figures ElringKlinger Group at a glance 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 Order Situation Order intake …  
368. 2015-q3-en.pdf  
REPORT ON THE 3RD QUARTER AND 1ST NINE MONTHS 2015 pure process pure process “Pure Process” reflects the unique core competencies developed by ElringKlinger: out-and-out process expertise. The…  
369. 2015-q1-en.pdf  
REPORT ON THE 1ST QUARTER 2015 pure process pure process “Pure Process” reflects the unique core competencies developed by ElringKlinger: out-and-out process expertise. The company’s skill set…  
370. elringklinger_financial_statements_2015_online.pdf  
F i n a n c i a l s tat e m e n t s 2 0 15 pure partners Financial Statements Financial Statements of ElringKlinger AG for Fiscal 2015 of ElringKlinger AG for Fiscal 2015        …